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Refrigeration for most of our products is not required to preserve the product from spoiling; the function is to extend the potency and efficacy of the raw ingredients. In our research we find products that are kept fresh with refrigeration are up to twice as effective over non-refrigerated products.


I love caring for the skin with the same ingredients I am putting into my body to care for it. I squeeze half a lime into my water every morning. Then I take the freshly squeezed lime rinds and lightly whisk them over my face. I leave it on for a few minutes and then use a little Glacial Clay Cleanser to cleanse and exfoliate. I like to do the same thing with the inside part of an avocado skin if it is evening and I am not going anywhere. It will have the best results if done on a bare, freshly cleansed face. What is more potent than antioxidants coming directly from a fresh fruit or vegetable?


Pumpkins are rich in antioxidants like Beta-Carotene, Zinc, Vitamins A & C, and Natural Alpha Hydroxy Acids (AHAs), which leave your skin healthy and soft. Pumpkin will make your skin glow and it will be so grateful for this seasonal, therapeutic balm!


  • 2 tablespoons of canned pumpkin (puréed)
  • 1 tablespoon of soy yogurt or ¼ teaspoon of soymilk

Optional additional ingredients:

  • ½ teaspoon of brown sugar (helps exfoliate) or
  • ¼ teaspoon cranberry juice (helps keeps skin from looking dull) or ½ teaspoon gluten-free oatmeal (if you’d like a thicker mask; oatmeal is great for dry skin)



Choose makeup that also works as skincare, just with coverage and color. If it is being absorbed into your skin all day, every day, you want it to be purely beneficial with natural protection and healing properties. When products are handcrafted in small batches it maximizes quality and freshness. With a mission to create the healthiest, non-toxic products that also deliver real results using powerful organic superfoods and raw ingredients, our products transform the skin and complexion.

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