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I am in a loving, life-long, committed relationship with my CUSTOM TRANSDERMAL NUTRITION GLOSS. It contains a base of organic cold-pressed hexane-free castor oil with added superherb blends. I apply it not only as a food grade lip gloss, but also as a deep cleansing and hydrating facial serum,  to my hair, and on my tummy to detox my liver. Applied on my mid-section it also deep-cleanses my colon and encourages lymphatic drainage. I custom apply it where needed to heal wounds and relieve any type of pain. It is simply the best…


…because it does this:
  1. antimicrobial agent
  2. remedies for gastrointestinal problems
  3. anti-inflammatory and analgesic
  4. immune system stimulant
  5. lymphatic stimulant
  6. hair growth stimulant
  7. accelerates fat-burning


…while also treating this:
  • multiple sclerosis
  • parkinson’s disease
  • cerebral palsy
  • hair loss
  • arthritis and rheumatism pain
  • inflammation
  • skin abrasions
  • sunburn
  • athlete’s foot
  • acne
  • migraines
  • menstrual disorders
  • yeast infection
  • constipation
  • parasitic infection
  • gastrointestinal problems
  • stye


Amazing right? And have I mentioned it reverses hair loss and darkens lashes and brows?? It thickens thinning eyebrows and lashes, not just the hair on your head. The HAIR regrowth from the application of this one product is significant over the first several weeks. Instead of just using any old castor seed oil in my glosses, I have been careful to source local, cold-pressed, hexane-free, organic castor seed oil. The nutritional and healing benefits are immense, even in small amounts, as you can see in the lists above. You can ingest up to 1/8tsp a day of this superherb cocktail if you are applying your gloss throughout the day. It will increase fertility but if you are pregnant, I recommend just applying it to skin to avoid stretch marks (no heat) and using my CUSTOM TRANSDERMAL NUTRITION BALM instead. By customizing your CUSTOM TRANSDERMAL NUTRITION GLOSS with the superherb blends I have made available online, you are receiving continuous trace minerals and nutrients in whole food form from over 200 different plants and clays.


my favorite acne treatment

This unique formula of organic, cold-pressed castor oil + herbs ( choose the ‘hide nothing’ formula if you do not want any colour added) is wonderful at breaking up and dissolving pore-clogging sebum and deep cleaning skin while at the same time creating balance. A lot of acne treatments create imbalance by drying out the skin which can make breakouts even worse. This goes for the scalp too! I like to paint or massage the CUSTOM TRANSDERMAL NUTRITION GLOSS into the roots of my hair and let it absorb for an hour or two before shampooing. Some have said they sleep with the treatment and wash their hair the next morning. The results are absolutely incredible. I think we all tend to neglect our scalp because unlike our face, it is hidden. Do you have oily skin and feel like plant oils will make it worse? It is the opposite – oil treats oil and it really does the deep cleaning when it comes to skin. You just need an oil change. Never use a synthetic oil – plants only and make sure it cold-pressed and free of chemicals. Nature knows best.


use as a pre and post microneedling serum

Because it cleanses, hydrates, and speeds healing, it is wonderful to use during a MICRONEEDLING treatment. When you create micro-holes in skin, it allows moisture to escape which can make skin feel a little tight during the healing phase. To apply just roll your TRANSDERMAL NUTRITION GLOSS over the area, do your microneedling session and then roll TRANSDERMAL NUTRITION GLOSS. If applying close to bedtime, make sure you gently massage in or blot skin with a damp, warm washcloth to remove excess so that it is not removed on your pillowcase! This is seriously one of my favorite skin care products when the weather gets dry, as well as being my go-to lip product. That being said, I love to layer everything. Try your favorite bio-cocoa balm with the gloss over top. With ORGANIC CASTOR SEED OIL less can be more. So you can roll a small amount over your skin in the dry areas following your GLACIAL CLAY CLEANSER. Follow with RASPBERRY ELIXIR, COCONUT CREAM, or PURIFYING PRIMER.


apply this gloss and get skinnier

It’s true. While most of the uses I have covered have been referring to bacterial illnesses & ailments, one commonly overlooked benefit of is its unique ability to help you lose weight. The reason for this is due to the fat burning compounds castor seed oil has, from the fatty acids to the rich vitamins and minerals. When you are deficient in nutrition your body tends to want to hold on to everything to stay alive. Once you give it what it needs, it becomes a fat-burning machine. Also, by doing the next treatment I explain, you can get back to having a flat abdomen. This was the first think I noticed after only a week – no more bloating!


apply this gloss to your tummy and then apply a heating pad or hot water bottle to detox your liver

I am now offering a glass dropper bottle which is a 1oz size to apply to your tummy, hair, and your whole body. This is also a wonderful bulk storage option. You can pour it into your lip gloss roller (the least messy application option) or apply it in dropper form (my preferred packaging for this treatment). This is a lifesaver of a remedy over the holidays when you are needing to do more frequent liver cleanses. Lie down (my favorite part – a prescription to relax!). Apply a few rolls (or drops) to your tummy area, smear it around (right up to liver area) and then apply an old shirt or cloth and your heating pad our water bottle over top and just relax for 30 minutes. You will notice your detox is complete when the oil has absorbed into your body to do its purifying. Something I noticed that I was not expecting is that this treatment really calms my nerves when I am feeling anxious – like complete 180. I have heard this does the same for children too. After a SUPERNATURAL BATH I like to apply  a few drops mixed into my BULLET-PROOF MIST or SERUM, or mix the two.

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