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tofin0Dating back hundreds of thousands of years, Canadian glacial clay–found in specific regions in Canada–is gaining increasing recognition as an effective antiaging and wellness ingredient. After the ice age, glaciers began to melt, creating depressions that contained various types of sediment or “drift” collected during the migration of the glacial water and ice. Over time, these glacial lakes began to dry out, leaving behind large deposits of clay made up of sediments, glacial water, and many other components. Some of the largest deposits have been found in British Columbia. Upon analysis of this clay by research scientists, it was found to contain rich earth elements, marine actives, micronutrients, and vitamins. Also, the clay is made up of particles that are as fine as the mist in a fog bank, making them minute enough to penetrate the inner layers of the skin and draw out toxins.

Body Benefits

With aging comes poor circulation, internal inflammation, and dehydration. Exposure to harsh environmental pollutants can lead to a build-up of toxins which eventually show in the skin. According to research into BC glacial clay by Dr. Ernst A. Hauser, professor of colloid chemistry at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, the clay’s high absorption makes it ideal for drawing out impurities and toxins from the skin.

Specific Reported Benefits

  • removes accumulated dead/dry skin cells, toxins, and bacteria from the skin
  • improves skin’s tone and texture
  • stimulates blood circulation
  • replenishes beneficial minerals and elements to protect and renew the skin
  • rehydrates the skin
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