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Thank you for all your feedback this past year! Good and bad, it all matters to me. Life is hard. Growing a business is complicated. Yet, I cannot see myself doing anything except what I am doing right now so I am going to keep going outside of my comfort zone and trying my best. The HAUT BB CREAM is something I was going to bypass to keep the line simple. However, it was what my clients told me was needed and a ‘vegan bb cream’ kick-started a year that was far from dull. We are all unique. There is no one miracle product.  This February it will be ten years since I started HAUT. I am really happy with what the line has to offer as a whole but I am also getting a little excited for a new addition to the line in 2014.


I am also excited to speak to so many women these days who are often more educated than I am on toxins. They are steering their families into positive change – better for our health and for the health of the environment. I had a client come to me in her seventies who regularly goes on her ipad to research a new product or line. She said one product a friend had sold her on and despite the strong smell, it was supposedly safe enough to sit on the face all night. When she researched it she was already reacting to it and then read a review online that the solution was strong enough to remove nail polish.  She actually felt she should try it for herself and sure enough it took off her toe polish easily. We cannot take everything we read as being the truth. When it comes to our health we need to be our own advocates and also support companies like EWG who take the guess work out of ingredients.


I have just enhanced the iCUSTOM BLENDS feature on our website. Up until now it has customized your colour formula for bb cream and foundation. Once you have an even canvas it is really important to give it some color and dimension. When you have gotten your foundation just the right color it makes a dramatic difference to do a little highlighting, contour, and then a little color to apples of cheeks, eyelids and to lips. I have selected some of my favorite tints for each customized formula to give you the most healthy look. I hope this helps you to take a little of the guess work out of makeup shopping.


CLEAN CARE SAYS ‘Using countless beauty and personal care products is part of our daily regime. Most of us start by lathering up in the shower, then applying moisturizer followed by a dash of makeup (and that’s just before we step out the door…).’



jo xo



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