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Since opening HAUT COSMETICS thirteen years ago, I have enjoyed educating people about the importance of toxin-free makeup.  However, I have had the fortune of speaking to all sorts of people interested in cruelty-free makeup, animal testing, and veganism too.

I often hear, “I didn’t know animal testing still existed!”.

After learning that animal testing still exists, the next thing people often ask about is the nature of the tests, and the types of animals that are used in the tests. Well, the animal tests are painful and often fatal and the types of animals used vary.  However, we are all thinking, they are living creatures who feel pain and suffering, therefore the type of animal used really shouldn’t matter.

Unfortunately, specism is real: eat a pig, love a dog, test on a rat, but not on a cat. As vegans we believe that you shouldn’t harm any animal, regardless of it’s cute factor or how it is regarded (or disregarded) by a culture or society, and we would love it if more people felt this way.




So what does cruelty-free really mean?

According to Mission of the Massachusetts Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals the problem with the term “cruelty-free” is that it is not clearly defined by law, so it can be used to mean just about anything a manufacturer wants it to mean.

In addition to that, most vegans consider products that contain animal by-products, even if they were not tested on animals, as un-ethical and cruel.

The easiest way to know whether your product is both animal testing free and animal ingredients free is if it is labeled as vegan, or comes from a vegan brand.

So when you can’t trust the labels, what can you do to ensure that the products you buy are truly cruelty free?

1. Buy vegan.

The easiest way to know whether your product is both animal testing free and animal ingredients free is if it is labeled as vegan, or comes from a vegan brand.

2. Utilize Youtube and blogs to learn about cruelty free beauty.

Not sure what vegan brands are out there? There are numerous blogs and vlogs that focus solely on cruelty free beauty.   Not only review animal friendly products but they do tutorials that teach you how to use them as well.

Cruelty free Makeup

Just because a product is marked with an animal-testing-free label, does not mean that it’s vegan. Check the ingredient list to be sure.

3. Purchase from trustworthy brands.

When shopping buy only from a company that have proven themselves reputable and trustworthy. Companies with these ethics not only sell good quality products, but they were also founded on the idea that animals should not suffer for beauty.

A great way to get the answers and show that there is a demand for cruelty-free products is to simply contact the companies themselves and ask.

4. Contact the company and ask them.

Whether you are concerned only about animal testing or the use of animal based ingredients as well, a great way to get the answers and show that there is a demand for cruelty-free products is to simply contact the companies themselves and ask.

When asking make sure to not only ask them if they test on animals or use animal based ingredients or by-products, but if their parent company tests on animal or if they hire an outside company to do so.

Your money is your vote, so choose to vote cruelty free. As a vegan fashionista it can be frustrating to know that companies are doing whatever they can to mislead you into thinking that they are something that they are not. Have confidence in knowing that there are many companies that produce great products and do not hurt animals, and you can support them.




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