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sinus and hormones share a link that you can not ignore. Studies conducted over the years have claimed that the sinus and nasal blocks can be due to hormonal imbalance. The primary hormones like estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, etc., play the master roles here. Hormones indeed can cause sinus problems. In most cases, the suffering arises as nasal congestion, a sign of sinusitis. Moreover, different researchers have pointed out a link between this hormone-induced sinus issue and allergic reactions.

hormone imbalances affect the health of the sinuses

Rhinitis due to allergen is rare. But do you know the hormonal changes can instigate an allergic reaction in your body? Recently, researchers have approached the stuffy nose condition differently. They claim that the fluctuation of hormones, especially sex hormones, can develop allergic symptoms in the body. Eventually, the chain of reactions leads to a runny or stuffy nose. Sex hormones, estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, etc., are mainly responsible for the sinus issue. In females, the surge of estrogen and progesterone during pregnancy and menopause influence sinus problems. On the other hand, it is testosterone for men that affects sinusitis.

soothing remedies

Steaming is one of the most effective ways of dealing with nasal congestion. It might be time-consuming, but the result will put an end to your pain. The whole steaming process is relatively easy. First, pour a few drops of essential oil into a bowl of steaming hot water. Now, put a towel over your head, breathe gently, and take as much steam as possible.

go natural

Practitioners always suggest trying the ancient ways of decongestion before taking any OTC drug. These meds often come with unpleasant side effects like dizziness, nausea, drowsiness, etc. Neti pot can be at your rescue here. They are widely available at any store, and still, if you can not find one, use the nasal irrigator as an alternative. Nasal sprays like my supernatural time traveler nasal spray feel like a soothing little shower for the nose and work magic in the nose block due to sinusitis. Use the spray directly into the nose, and there you go! You are more comfortable breathing again.

hormone imbalances affect brain health

Estrogen, testosterone, and progesterone work directly with the nerve cells in the brain and contribute to blood flow of the brain, protecting against loss of memory and the progression of dementia.Thyroid // The thyroid gland produces hormones that help regulate the body’s metabolic rate (energy use), muscle control, brain development, mood, heart and digestive function, and bone maintenance. It can therefore have an impact on thought processes and memory. Thyroid hormone deficiency, even of short duration, may lead to irreversible brain damage, the consequences of which depend on the specific timing of onset and duration of the deficiency.

  • Too high (hyperthyroidism) – difficulty sleeping, irregular heartbeats, anxiety, thinning hair, and weight loss.
  • Too low (hypothyroidism) – weight gain, slower metabolism, fatigue, irregular periods, anxiety, difficulty concentrating, short-term memory loss, and depression.

Cortisol // The primary “stress hormone,” cortisol can help reduce inflammation, control blood sugar levels and blood pressure, as well as regulate metabolism. In healthy individuals, cortisol levels naturally increase in response to stressful situations. However, in circumstances in which the body perceives the stress as a severe threat or the stress is prolonged, an excess level of cortisol becomes active in the brain, which can result in adverse effects, such as damage to the hippocampus – an essential part of memory creation.

  • Too high – severe fatigue, muscle weakness, bone loss, cognitive difficulties, loss of emotional control, high blood pressure, and headaches.
  • Too low – weakness, weight loss, low blood pressure, salt craving, nausea, and abdominal pain.

Vasopressin // Also referred to as antidiuretic hormone (ADH), vasopressin is a hormone produced by the hypothalamus in the brain and stored in the pituitary gland. Vasopressin regulates the volume of water in the body and also affects blood pressure.

  • Too high – headaches, nausea or vomiting and, even in severe cases, coma and convulsions.
  • Too low – causes the kidneys to excrete too much water (frequent urination and dehydration, as well as low blood pressure).

Melatonin // While previously thought of as a mere sleep aid, recent studies have revealed that melatonin has the ability to reduce brain injury-induced trauma, provide protection against neurogenerative diseases, and boost cognitive functioning, amongst other benefits.

  • Too low – tiredness during the day, social withdrawal, irritability, insomnia, anxiety, and depression.
  • Too high – resets circadian rhythms (internal body clock that tells the body when to rise, eat, and sleep), sleepiness, and drop in the body’s core temperature.

Because of the interconnectivity of these hormones, deficiencies and imbalances can result in brain-related symptoms such as poor concentration, forgetfulness, confusion, lack of clarity, and even memory loss. If not properly addressed, these symptoms can have both short-term and long-term effects

When hormonal imbalance occurs, people often describe symptoms such as brain fog, migraines, decreased sleep, decreased memory, depression, and anxiety. Finding the cause of hormonal imbalance can be difficult and often involves a long list of possibilities to choose from. The cause of hormonal imbalances can range from stress, infections, liver dysfunction, or gut dysfunction to dysglycemia. The big picture is that everything can influence hormones, and hormones affect every cell in the body.

Too often in medicine, hormones are placed in a box and not evaluated with other systems. Hormones need to be evaluated in conditions such as neurodegenerative disorders (i.e., Parkinson’s and dementia), TBIs, and even psychiatric disorders.


Hormones impact different neurotransmitters in the brain. For example, progesterone can have a positive impact on GABA and dopamine — In other words, progesterone can influence moods including anxiety and depression. Estrogen positively affects  serotonin, and testosterone affects dopamine. Other hormones, such as thyroid hormone, can impact a wide range of neurotransmitters such as dopamine, GABA, serotonin, glutamate, and acetylcholine. Therefore, those suffering from hypothyroid usually complain of  memory problems, anxiety, depression, brain fog,  and brain fatigue. With this understanding, understanding how hormone imbalances can cause so many neurological symptoms is easy.


Certain hormones play a role in immune modulation, or act as an anti-inflammatory. . Evidence suggests  estrogen, one of the more common hormones associated with modulating inflammation, plays a part in reducing microglial activities and modulating inflammation in the brain. This example can be seen during menopause when estrogen levels fluctuate or decrease, causing brain fog and decreasing memory during those years.

In addition, studies show  progesterone can be neuroprotective. whereas high cortisol can lead to neuroinflammation. Hormones are much like “Goldilocks and the Three Bears”: Too much or too little can cause inflammation. Hormones need to be just right.

eye health

A flurry of studies in the 2000s uncovered risk associations between various reproductive factors and glaucoma; these include early menopause, late menarche, oophorectomy, and most recently, oral contraceptive use. Early loss of estrogen is associated with increased risks of a variety of health outcomes, including several conditions related to brain aging, The major risk factor for glaucoma is advanced age. Therefore, one possibility is that an early loss of estrogen causes the optic nerve to age prematurely and predisposes the optic nerve to glaucomatous damage.

The mechanism of estrogen’s protective effect remains unclear, but most of the evidence suggests that it may be neuroprotective. Estrogen receptors are expressed in a variety of ocular tissues, including the retinal ganglion cells (RGC), where estrogen appears to have a maintenance effect. One mechanistic theory holds that estrogen activates the synthesis of collagen fiber, increasing the amount of collagen fiber at the lamina cribrosa, thus improving the structure’s compliance. This could relieve compression on RGC axons, aiding in their survival. Increased collagen fiber also could enhance flexibility of the whole eye. Estrogen has known effects on nitric oxide production, which is important in IOP regulation and in vasodilation. A decline in estrogen could diminish blood flow to the optic nerve.

how hormones affect sleep and endocrine health

Interestingly, both estrogen deficiency and estrogen dominance have been linked to waking at 2 or 3 a.m. The former is a common symptom of menopause and the latter often a symptom of perimenopause. One of the most complex networks in the human body is the endocrine system.

the endocrine system + sleep

When estrogen levels are high, the endocrine system is disrupted — thus, sleep is disturbed. For example, an overly active hypothalamus gland, the control center of the endocrine system, may signal the production of cortisol in the middle of the night, causing wakefulness.DIM converts estrogen and reduces its effect. As a result, the ratio of progesterone increases. As you’ll remember from above, progesterone converts to a sedating neurosteroid which soothes GABA receptors in the brain.For those who struggle with insomnia due to an imbalance of estrogen and progesterone, DIM can gently restore a good night’s sleep.


DIM + SGS +CDG product

read part 4

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