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Being that it is October 10th which is WORLD MENTAL HEALTH DAY, I am continuing on from my last post about the wonders of this simple, at-home colonic therapy treatment. We are often so focused on how healthy we are physically, we can easily forget about the importance of mental and emotional health and how it affects everything else. Because our gut is our second brain, when you start improving your immune system, everything else follows. With a compromised immune system, people often bring up the term ‘leaky gut’, but did you know that one can also suffer from ‘leaky brain’, due to poor gut health?

I need alone time every day so I can be the best version of myself – which is why a coffee colonic is the ultimate multi-tasker.

You can be  actively detoxing your liver, gallbladder, and colon while getting that time alone AND staying hydrated AND keeping your skin clear AND getting relief from fatigue AND toning your pelvic floor muscles. Toning things up is a more long term result when you are consisten, kinda like working out consistently. It is great for a multitude of reasons. If you have had children and tend to have a little leak here and there, or if you have dealt with a chronic disorder called IC, and just getting back that flat tummy…you will see incredible results from this treatment.

How cool is that?!

1. Coffee Colonics Cleanse the Colon of Waste and Debris

For obvious reasons, coffee enemas are beneficial to the colon because it is the most easily accessible to the enema. Coffee helps to cleanse the colon of leftover waste and debris that may be left behind due to lack of fiber or structure to the stool.

It is also used for ridding the colon of candida yeast. While this type of yeast naturally occurs in the body, there are negative effects when it grows out of control. It also helps to clean the mucus membrane of the colon, removing the top layer that holds many toxins.

2. Coffee Colonics Can Help Improve Mental Health

Most people do not realize the connection between gut health and mental health. This is due to the enteric nervous system (ENS) which is comprised of two thin layers of 100 million nerve cells lining the gastrointestinal tract, from the esophagus all the way to the rectum.

coffee enema mental health benefit

It is not uncommon for those who are suffering from mental health illnesses to also see problems with digestive health, particularly a lack of healthy bacteria and an overgrowth of unhealthy bacteria. By utilizing coffee enemas, the cleansing power can help remove the harmful bacteria in the intestines that can contribute towards depression, anxiety, and confusion.

3. Coffee Colonics Drastically Reduce Systemic Toxicity

According to the pioneer of coffee enema therapy Max Gerson, coffee can stimulate the production of glutathione S-transferase (GST) in the liver. This is said to be a master detoxifier because it binds to toxins in the body and helps flush them out with the enema.

In a study conducted in 1982 by the National Research Council (NRC), results showed that coffee was able to directly stimulate the liver without having to pass through the digestive tract in both mice and humans.

4. Coffee Colonics Can Help Those Suffering From Cancer

Anyone who has ever been diagnosed with cancer knows that the road to a cure through chemotherapy and radiation can be incredibly hard on the body.  can help to remove dead cancer cells and toxins from the colon to help you feel better throughout your treatment.

A body that is free of toxins, both cancer treatment-related or otherwise, can help the body to focus on fighting the cancer that is disrupting its natural rhythm. Additionally, coffee is very high in antioxidants, which are key in fighting the free radicals in the body that can cause cancer, as well as a host of other diseases.

5. Coffee Colonics Keep The Liver Happy

One of the biggest benefits of coffee enemas is their ability to help the liver detoxify. When a coffee enema is utilized, coffee goes through the thin walls of the colon to other parts of the body. Bile is important in the body as it helps to remove waste from the liver, the organ that plays a huge role in cleansing the body of toxins that we consume as we eat, drink, and breathe throughout the day. Coffee enemas can help to ensure that the bile is expelled from the body instead of reused where the toxins can be reabsorbed and cause more problems.

6. Coffee Colonics Can Help Get Rid of Parasites

We now live in a global economy, and much of the food that we consume on a daily basis is not grown in the same area or even country that it is consumed in. It is much easier now more than ever for parasites that are not commonly found in your area to infect your body, even if you have not gone on an exotic vacation.

Worms, flukes, and parasites can cause all sorts of problems in the body, and usually find their final dwelling place in the colon. Coffee enemas can help to remove these parasites from your body, helping your colon to work in the way it is intended.

7. Coffee Colonics May Help With Pain Management

For those who experience severe pain on a daily basis, coffee enemas may provide a surprising relief from pain. Coffee enemas help to remove toxins from the blood and bile, which helps the body to focus on pain relief.

Additionally, coffee, regardless of how it is consumed, is a great anti-inflammatory agent, which can help to relieve pain throughout the body.

8. Coffee Colonics Provide The Body A Great Source of Nutrients

Coffee enemas are a great way for the body to get essential nutrients, particularly if it is done during or directly after a cleanse in which the body may not have had access to all of the nutrients it normally would.

Coffee enemas provide zinc, potassium, and selenium, which are absorbed through the colon wall. Zinc helps to boost the immune system, potassium keeps nerves healthy and muscles from contracting, and selenium is a nutrient that when combined with vitamin E is a great antioxidant.

9. Coffee Colonics Can Keep The Body Hydrated

Millions of people throughout the world have plenty of access to clean water, but do not keep their body properly hydrated. Those who are dehydrated suffer from a host of different problems, from high blood pressure to headaches, to weight gain as well as many others.

While there are there are many ways to ensure you are staying hydrated, an added bonus of coffee enemas is keeping the body properly hydrated when they are utilized correctly.

10. Coffee Colonics Can Provide Relief For Skin Problems

As any teenager can attest to, acne is an incredibly embarrassing part of going through adolescence. While many people stop experiencing acne regularly after a certain age, there are plenty of people who experience acne and other skin issues well into adulthood.

There are different causes of acne, and many who utilize coffee enemas report that coffee enemas help to promote healthier, blemish free skin. Coffee enemas can remove toxins throughout the entire body, and can help prevent the toxins from coming out through the skin and causing acne. There is also potential for coffee enemas to help regulate hormones that can cause acne as well.

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