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I have been a little obsessed ever since I came across the practice of holistic microneedling a few years in, I would like to share more about my research and personal journey in microneedling. I am also now offering another tool in my collection that falls into the microneedling arena! Previous to microneedling, I had done mesotherapy in the past and this seemed similar to it and something I could do at home to get the most out of the nutritional serums I was putting on my skin. At first I was a little scared off by the videos of people bleeding from the face after doing a treatment on themselves. I do believe that medical microneedling paired with other medical treatments is a godsend for those who suffer from deep scarring and acne. I strongly encourage anyone who is feeling like they need more intense microneedling, the level of intensity where numbing cream is needed, that they see a professional. My best explanation is you do not want to be so agressive that you end up with scarring on top of scarring. I heard an esthetician say, you only have this one face, don’t screw it up!

That said, I have found that the results from microneedling are undeniable. Though there is some maintenance required, most of the research I have done has stated roughly the same thing, that the results are cumulative and last up to six months. In my early thirties I was really loving my IPL’s, microdermabrasions, and peels. I loved how all my freckles and sun damage just kind of went away and my skin was tightened. I noticed it made my makeup look better and I didn’t need to wear it to cover anything or even anything out, just to protect it and add a little colour. But I noticed after some time that my skin started to feel more thin and fragile. It was a good lesson for me that more frequent treatments did not always produce more positive results. Sometimes less is more. This background about my own personal experience with professional treatments explains a couple of the reasons I have recently created my own little collection of my favorite beauty tools for my clients. For one, it takes the guess work out of what provides the best results and the most professionally made tools and hopefully saves my clients money and time having to do their own research.

The other reason is this…I spent most of my twenties either in emergency rooms or in waiting rooms. It was a lot of waiting. Although I understand that there are times when it is best to see a professional for a treatment, or for medical care, I was so happy when I was done with waiting rooms. Then skin clinics started popping up all around me and I was curious. They offered treatments with results which I loved but the time it took out of my day driving to the clinic, waiting to see someone, the appointment itself, and then driving home was eerily familiar to me. Though I loved the results, it often took over half my day and it felt like it was similar to all the time I spent in the hospital. I know that for some this is not the case, it is more like a luxury spa treatment and a break, but my friend who is als a business owner, mentioned they went for a treatment and with the traffic it took 6-hours of his day. At-home beauty treatments seem more realistic to keep up with in my current life. They make me feel like I have done something for me and yet I still have a lot more time in my day to work in my yard, read, and get everything else done. It is also less expensive than visiting a clinic and I can do maintenance treatments more often or less often, no one is pressuring me to book my next appointment. I know that most of my clients are busy parents and grandparents so they must sometimes feel the same way I do. It is also handy for those who travel a lot because you can take a couple treatments-to-go.

So my microneedling tool was my very first tool I offered several years ago with my makeup and skincare because it is definitely not a waste of time. Here are some of the benefits:


a. texture

b. wrinkles

c. elasticity

d. sun damage

e. hyperpigmentation

f. scarring

g. product absorption

My newest tool is the miracle nano + micro pen. It comes with a tip made of nano-needles. To give you a better understanding of what nano-needling does all by itself…The treatment utilizes a handheld skin care enhancement device with an array of 81 pyramid-like nano mono-crystaline silicone pins. Each pin on the array has a diameter smaller than a single strand of human hair, which is almost invisible to the naked eye. During the treatment, the pins are only inserted a maximum depth of .25mm of the top layer of the epidermis, When these pins gently touch the skin, they create hundreds of thousands of nano channels within 5-10 minutes. As a result, the skin cells re-arrange themselves to allow nutrition to pass through the skin barrier to help the absorption from active ingredients in the skin care products and effectively feed the skin and stimulate collagen production. This treatment instantly allows up to 1000% more absorption of whatever skin care products you use. Within 15 minutes, after the treatment, the skin cells in perforated layer return to their original position. Here are the benefits:

  1. treats in upper layers of epidermis
  2. transdermal delivery system
  3. nano channels for increase effectiveness of serums
  4. no downtime or pain
  5. microscopic silicon needles 1/3 thickness of hair
  6. needle depth 0.15mm

I am also offering microneedling attachments to target specific conditions:

9 pin: repair Mole pit; remove acne; eliminate stretch marks, wrinkles.
12 pin: repair acne pox pit; remove acne; eliminate stretch marks, wrinkles
42 needle: whitening; watering; spot removing; skin rejuvenation; shrink pores.
Nano needle: painless nutrition importing, whitening skin; spot removing; skin rejuvenation: instant glow
The 42 needle provides the same results as my holistic microneedling tool.

From my own personal experience, I find the microneedling and the pen very different. My pain tolerance is pretty high with the holistic microneedling device in my shop. Though I do not suggest the 1.5 be done on the face, it is best for stretch marks and scars etc on the body, but I can handle it even on my face. The pen I do not feel comfortable doing more than .25 and so I use the pen weekly, custom treating no more than .25 on problem areas and then the nano tip all over, even the sides of my neck. Anything more than .25 with the pen I would make sure you do not do a treatment more than every 4-6 weeks because your skin needs time to heal. This will give you the best results. But my advice is that I would leave anything above .5 up to the professionals. As far as the pen tip options, it is like if you were lying on a bed of nails. The more nails, the less the pain. But just a few nails it would definitely be more invasive and more painful. This is the same with the pen and also the microneedling roller, the most needles will be the least aggressive and the least painful. With the nano-needling it is relaxing to me, zero pain and because it is just working in the very outer later, it is like immediate gratification with an instant glow to skin. Also there is a little pink to skin (this can vary for different people) but no redness like with microneedling. With the microneedling it takes several weeks to see the full results because you are first affecting the inner terrain.

I am sure you will notice that I have kept my skincare products really simple. This is because I do not see some ingredients being able to get as deep as they need to go just by applying them to the skin. This pen and rolling treatment is really a game changer and it has made me now be able to concentrate more on active ingredients like peptides and stem cells to pair with this treatment because you are creating all these amazing channels in the skin. This week I will be adding a plant based version of squalene as I feel this one ingredient is so beneficial with microneedling and nano-needling. I recommend a sugar scrub or my glacial clay cleanser + mask as a scrub.  I recommend my new rooibos cream for aftercare as it contains hyaluronic acid and my raspberry elixir because it speeds healing and is a natural full spectrum spf. I also think IV nutrition bullet-proof mist for face is wonderful to spray throughout the day over your makeup because it contains plant based glycerin which to me is right up there with hyaluronic acid. I will often apply a product as a leave-on mask one or two mornings after a treatment while I am on my treadmill at home or in the evening while relaxing on the couch. I like to apply the clear (hide nothing) custom transdermal nutrition gloss or purifying primer or even the glacial clay cleanser + mask. You can also custom mix them together. I have infused oxygen and encapsulated hydrogen into the gloss and raspberry elixir ( if for some reason you do not want the oxygen + molecular hydrogen infusion just make a note for me in the checkout). If you have a little at-home facial sauna you could pair it with a mask for more intense hydration. I have said this before but I will mention it again, because I am also trying to bring my lawn to a healthier state, it is just like aerating your lawn and then seeding and fertilizing it with nutrients. I look around at my neighbors’ lawns and you can tell the lawns that are given lots of love and care. I really enjoy planting flowers and I relate the flowers to being the makeup. If you tend to your flowers but the backdrop, the lawn is totally neglected, it’s just not the same as when both are flourishing. They compliment each other. Your skin is your canvas for the makeup. And my makeup will protect your skin as it is creating new collagen. For optimal results, incorporating my other beauty tools and drinking plenty of pure water and plant based whole foods will give you the most incredible results.

I have switched my nature’s serums to a little larger glass rollerball so that a little more comes out and they last longer, while still being potent. With these active ingredients I feel it is best to keep the list of ingredients small and pure to keep each ingredient stable and the most undiluted. To give you a better understanding of what nano-needling does all by itself…The treatment utilizes a handheld skin care enhancement device with an array of 81 pyramid-like Nano mono-crystaline silicone pins. Each pin on the array has a diameter smaller than a single strand of human hair, which is almost invisible to the naked eye. During the treatment, the pins are only inserted a maximum depth of .25mm of the top layer of the epidermis, When these pins gently touch the skin, they create hundreds of thousands of nano channels within 5-10 minutes. As a result, the skin cells re-arrange themselves to allow nutrition to pass through the skin barrier to help the absorption from active ingredients in the skin care products and effectively feed the skin and stimulate collagen production. This treatment instantly allows up to 1000% more absorption of whatever skin care products you use. Within 15 minutes, after the treatment, the skin cells in perforated layer return to their original position. To complete this post (and due to my extensive research I have to share there will be more), I will recommend the new-improved serums which you can customize the way you feel you need to for you:

nano-needling is best with

nature’s skin brightener + filler

nature’s botox + filler

microneedling is best with:

nature’s botox + filler

nature’s liposculpt







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