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Have you ever compared photos of yourself at different ages and wondered how you can look so different but you cannot really put your finger on what is different? Some of the visual side effects of long term health issues can easily be confused with aging, especially when so many people are presently suffering from the same problem at the same age. I originally had thought that that swollen look to the face that is all-too-common as we get older could be caused by tiny microscopic mites. Now I am leaning more towards this all-over facial inflammation stemming from chronic sinusitis. I think this especially makes sense when you look at how much the shape and size of one’s nose can change as we get older. Some have said the nose keeps growing but I don’t think that is the case. I think the nose keeps swelling with inflammation as sinus problems are left untreated – or worse, treated with something that only further agitates the problem.

how chronic sinusitis can drastically changes your looks

The first common side effect of the deteriorating health of the sinuses is swelling or puffiness around the eyes. Then, as it becomes more chronic, the swelling spreads to the nose area and eventually the entire face. Whether dealing with a minor flare up of allergies or a more serious case of persistent sinusitis, it can really wreak havoc on your beauty routine and overall appearance. When you realize that there are multiple air-filled sinus cavities in the all makes so much sense regarding why we get so ‘puffy’. The maxillary sinuses are the largest sinus cavity in the face and are held in place by the cheekbones. The ethmoid sinuses are located between your eyes. The location of these sinuses is what causes swelling around the eye area. The sphenoid sinuses are within the bones behind your nose. Finally, the frontal sinus is located in the low-center of your forehead.

air conditioners + sinusitis

For those who don’t believe the A/C is the cause of the sinusitis, have you considered what lives inside your ductwork? It’s not necessarily the air conditioner causing the problem, it’s the mold, dust, and bacteria living in the ducts.

why I decided to create the new SUPERNATURAL TIME TRAVELER NASAL SPRAY

1. Relieves Congestion

One of the most important reasons to use this option is that it safely and effectively relieves congestion. Used as a rinse, it cleanses the sinuses and alleviates the condition.

2. Eliminates Infection

Hypochlorous acid has the added benefit of eliminating infection. It is a natural antibacterial agent.

3. Non-Habit Forming

Many traditional remedies create a reliance effect in the body during which the body requires more and more of the treatment to get the same effect. HOCI does not have this habit forming effect on the body.

If you have ever experienced a sinus infection, you likely have felt true pain. The bones surrounding the nose and eyes and in the cheeks are lined with membranes that function to produce mucus and filter germs. However, when congested, these membranes are unable to drain properly, causing inflammation, congestion and pain. While a variety of treatment options are available for the condition, but I believe this natural remedy is one of the safest and most effective.

Just like with oral health, I think that being proactive with the health of our nose is incredibly important. It seems that once someone starts to have any type of sinus problems, they are prescribed things, and then the issues just seem to snowball instead of go away and it becomes a much bigger, life-altering problem. It is very uncomfortable to have sinus problems but it does not just affect the sinuses alone. Being that the sinuses are so close the brain, chronic sinus issues can cause neurological issues. The millions of people who have chronic sinusitis deal not only with stuffy noses, post-nasal drip, and headaches, they also commonly struggle to focus and experience depression and other symptoms that implicate the brain’s involvement in their illness. New research links sinus inflammation with alterations in brain activity, specifically with the neural networks that modulate cognition, introspection and response to external stimuli.

I started having sinus issues several years ago after being exposed to mold. Surgery, I had thought, would fix it but it only seemed to make my symptoms worse over time. It is frustrating for anyone but when your career involves leaning down to your client or patient or to complete a task, like a makeup artist, esthetician, or chiropractor, for example, it greatly effects the quality of work you can do. If it gets really bad like it did with me, it prevents one from doing what they love almost totally. For me it got so bad that it was like having a nose bleed all day, every day. Sometimes it made me so mad and hopeless, I wanted to punch a wall. Then, for awhile, I just gave up, but that didn’t work either. So I started testing out natural remedies on myself. It was actually a lot of trial and error which taught me patience. It was a long road to finding something that worked but once I found that I had mixed the right blend, the relief was instant. The bonus was that I found I did not get sick with seasonal viruses like i did before. When any part of your system is down, your defences are weakened 24/7 and this makes it harder for your body to detoxify and ward off pathogens.

The Issue with Antibiotics and Traditional Treatments

With the advancement of science and medicine, a wide variety of new remedies has also been identified. The problem is that these treatments don?t necessarily work naturally with the body and could have potential adverse effects. The more frequently people use antibiotic remedies for common conditions, the less effective these treatments are on any condition. Likewise, these treatments often cause additional issues within the body such as prolonged or recurring infection, dehydration, and other problems.

Eye-opening statistic

Most doctors are quick to blame this condition—the bane of some 34 million Americans each year—on a bacterial infection, nasal polyps or a deviated septum. The problem is, they’re all too often wrong. In a landmark study published in Mayo Clinic Proceedings, 96% of people with chronic sinusitis were found to have fungus in their mucus—and worse still, the symptoms were exacerbated by mold (a type of fungus) in their environment. When doctors prescribe antibiotics for acute sinusitis that’s not caused by bacteria (a practice that evidence-based medical guidelines do not support), it often leads to chronic sinusitis because these drugs don’t eradicate viral or fungal infections or allergic sinusitis—which are the likely root causes. I know many friends, relatives, and clients who have not just had one sinus surgery to try to fix the problem, but multiple surgeries – and only after trying multiple rounds of antibiotics. Just like our gut microbiome can be easily out of balance with good and bad bacteria, the same thing can happen inside the nasal cavity microbiome. So this was the reason for creating a nasal spray version of my supernatural time traveler product. There has been a lot of buzz recently about the wonders of hypochlorous acid for the sinuses. To increase the benefits, you can custom request the addition of a very specific probiotic found in kimchi. More on that after I sing the praises of HOCl!

This natural solution is 100X more potent than bleach and yet it is extremely gentle on skin. It’s created by white blood cells as a defense system against infection, bacteria and general ickiness.. It is in its purest form and the only ingredient in my product supernatural time traveler. It is also an ingredient in my zeolite + magnesium deodorant + joint pain relief. My supernatural time traveler and supernatural time traveler nasal spray products combines electrolized water and salt to form hypochlorous acid just like the kind that exists in the body. As far as disinfectants go, it is liquid gold and it is developed 100% by nature.

In various studies, researchers measured the effectiveness of hypochlorous acid against a variety of pathogens. Just a few of these findings are that hypochlorous acid:

  • Has an effectiveness of >99.999% against black mold spores, human papillomavirus (HPV 16 & 18), MRSA, salmonella enterica, Staphylococcus aureus, and more
  • Can reduce E. coli by 99.9993% in just 30 seconds
  • Can reduce Staphylococcus aureus by 99.994% in just 30 seconds
  • Can reduce the fungus group aspergillus by 99.8852% in just two minutes
  • Can inactivate viruses in less than one minute

How Is Hypochlorous Acid So Powerful?

Some may wonder how hypochlorous acid can be such an effective disinfectant if it’s a weak acid. The answer lies in its charge. Everything has a molecular charge, similar to a magnet. If a pathogen is negatively charged and a disinfectant is negatively charged, they will repel each other. The same goes for two positively charged items.

Hypochlorous acid, however, has a neutral charge. This means that whether the pathogen has a positively or negatively charged cell wall, hypochlorous acid can attach to it. Once inside the cell wall, hypochlorous acid can destroy viruses, fungi, and bacteria from the inside out via chlorination, which breaks down the pathogen’s DNA and makes it harmless.

Is Hypochlorous Acid Safe?

You bet! Hypochlorous acid is extremely safe for both people and the environment, and it has been approved by various government agencies as a safe product to use. In fact, during the 2020 pandemic, hypochlorous acid emerged as “the most potent and environmentally safe disinfectant available.” (5) These are just some of the facts about hypochlorous acid that makes it safe for you to use at home:

  • It is very stable.
  • It is non-toxic to biological tissues (i.e., skin, muscles, connective tissue, etc.).
  • It is non-cytotoxic (not toxic to cells).
  • It is safe to use around the eyes, mouth, ears, and other sensitive areas of the body.
  • It is safe to use around children.
  • You can use it to disinfect personal items, including baby toys.
  • With end products of salt and water, it poses no ecotoxicological hazards in using the product or disposing of it.
  • It poses no threat to environmental contamination.
  • The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) lists it as a safe no-rinse food sanitizer.
  • It is listed as an organic substance in the USDA’s National Organic Program.

+ request to custom add this superfood probiotic  – Lactobacillus Sakei 

Using a probiotic is a new and different approach to sinusitis treatment. Traditionally the treatment options have consisted of medical treatments such as antibiotics, cortisone sprays, and even sinus surgeries. Instead of killing bacteria with antibiotics, this new approach introduces beneficial bacteria into the body.

This new ingredient you can now custom add to SUPERNATURAL TIME TRAVELER NASAL MIST. It s a plant based probiotic made in nature that has been found to completely re-colonize the microbiome of the sinuses. Even for someone who has been dealing with sinus issues for a long time, relief is immediate and the results are lasting. Lactobacillus Sakei is derived from japanese kimchi,


Once you feel relief and your symptoms go away, there is no reason to continue using this supplement. It is best to store it in the fridge and use it only for short spans of time, like you would an antibiotic. Your body will not become dependant on it if used long term but constant use long term could start to  dry out the mucus membranes and cause some irritability. If I know I have been around someone who is sick, I apply a few sprays over a day or two to flush out my sinuses as a preventative measure. It is also helpful to do this before travelling on a plane to boost immunity.


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